Example #5 - Simple Pre-Emption Demonstration

Example of preemption within OSTRICH

Initial Publication:


This is a simple example to demonstrate the use of pre-emption in OSTRICH. The optimization problem is given below and the model input file and underlying model are configured to utilize pre-emption:


$$F(x,y) = (x-5)^2 + (y-8)^2$$


$$x > 0$$ $$y < 10$$

The objective function is computed in a series of 1000 steps with a delay of 100 milliseconds in between steps. This makes the model computationally expensive (100 seconds per run) so that the benefits of pre-emption can be observed. Running the example using OSTRICH.bat will launch the particle swarm optimization algorithm in serial (i.e. on a single processor). Running the example using mpirun.bat will launch the PSO algorithm in parallel.