Algorithms - Steepest Descent
The OSTRICH steepest descent optimization algorithm
The following optional group will configure the gradient-based Steepest-Descent algorithm and will be processed if [ProgramType] is set to “Steepest-Descent”.
Figure 1: General Format (left) and Example (right) of the Steepest-Descent Group
Where BeginSteepDescAlg and EndSteepDescAlg are parsing tags that wrap a set of algorithm configuration variables.
- ConvergenceVal: This is the algorithm convergence value – searches will halt when the relative reduction over three successive iterations is less that this value. The default value is 1E-6.
- MaxIterations: The maximum iterations in the overall method. The default value is 20.
Bertsekas, D. P. 2014. Constrained optimization and Lagrange multiplier methods. Academic press.