Algorithms - Bisection

The OSTRICH bisection optimization algorithm

Initial Publication:


The following optional group will configure the bisection algorithm and will be processed if [ProgramType] is set to “BisectionAlgorithm”.

MaxOuterIterations [max_outer]
MaxInnerIterations [max_inner]
MaxOuterIterations 50
MaxInnerIterations 20

Figure 1: General Format (left) and Example (right) of the Bisection Group

Where BeginBisectionAlg and EndBisectionAlg are parsing tags that wrap the following set of algorithm configuration variables:

  • MaxOuterIterations: The maximum number of outer iterations of the algorithm. One outer iteration corresponds to application of the bisection method to a randomly chosen initial parameter set. The default value is 50.
  • MaxInnerIterations: The maximum number of inner iterations of the algorithm. Each inner iteration reduces the searchable parameter range by 50%. Default value is 20.


Corliss, G. 1977. Which root does the bisection algorithm find? Siam Review 19, 325-327.